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The Seven Pillars of Wellbeing
Flourish will assess each mentee along these seven pillars and offer her tailored services, according to her individual wellbeing needs.
Emotional: stress and self esteem
Flourish offers one-to-one and peer mentoring longer term.
Social: relationships with friends, family, partners
Flourish offers peer sessions, group workshops and private chats.
Intellectual: engage in skills, plan for your future
Flourish offers pragmatic and life skills workshops.
Physical: healthy eating, exercise and sleep
Flourish offers realistic individualised plans and group workshops to build healthier lifestyles.
Occupational: healthy work/life balance
Flourish offers tailored plans and workshops geared towards personal goals like universities, jobs and apprenticeships.
Spiritual: value and purpose in life
Flourish offers plans and support to uncover your path and passions, whatever they may be!
Environmental: personal safety at home, work and school
Flourish offers workshops, plans and private chats to help you speak up and be empowered.
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